
Equation E_x1_s # Demands for Commodity Composites #

(All,c,COM)(All,i,IND) x1_s(c,i) = a1_s(c,i) + a1tot(i) + x1tot(i);

Equation HOUSCONS #Household consumption #

(all,i,COM) Sum{s,SOURCE, A6(i)*xh(i)}

= Sum{s,SOURCE, A6(i)*xhous(i,s)} ;

A more compact way to write the above:

Equation HOUSCONS #Household consumption #

(all,i,COM) Sum{s,SOURCE, A6(i)*[xh(i)-xhous(i,s)]}=0.0;


-100.0 * delB + E*e - M*m = 0 ;

Equation(levelS) eq1 0 = X1 + X2 - A3*X3 ;

Equation (nonE) ;!obsolete, only for F77L3 compiler!

Equations are LEVELS or LINEAR, of which LINEAR is the default. However the default can be reset by use of a Default statement.

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