Disk File has Changed

It is possible to open a file with TABmate, and then, leaving the file open in TABmate, use some other program to replace or modify the original disk file. In this case when you return to TABmate you will be warned that the file has changed since TABmate opened it, and will be offered a chance to read in [reload] the modified file.

The dialog offers the following choices:

View new version of file: the file will be reloaded. If you tick the "Don't ask again" checkbox, the reloading will happen automatically if the file changes again (TABmate's bottom panel will flash a message when this happens).

Keep viewing old version of file: the file will not be reloaded, and no further action is taken unless the file changes again. If you do NOT tick the "Don't ask again" checkbox, you will be prompted again if the file changes again. If you DO tick the "Don't ask again" checkbox, TABmate's bottom panel will merely flash a message if the file changes again.

If you tick the "Don't ask again"checkbox you will not see the dialog again during the current TABmate session. However, the checkbox is cleared at the start of each new TABmate session.

The "Don't ask again" checkbox applies to all files open in the current TABmate session.

See also: Reload button.

URL of this topic: www.copsmodels.com/webhelp/tabmate/hc_diskfilechanged.htm

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