Where the Policy Run Starts

Whenever you run the full base case, the first simulation is for the year indicated by the date First Year of Base Sims at the top of the Sim Overview page. The final simulation of the base case is indicated to the right of the Number of Years edit box; this date is obtained by adding the number of years to the starting year and then subtracting one.

The policy run (and the rerun of the base) starts with a simulation for the first year for which there are (nonzero) extra policy shocks (that is, the first year for which none is not shown under the Policy Shocks column on the Closure/Shock page). Suppose, for example, that the base run starts with a simulation for year 1998, but that there are no extra policy shocks until year 2000. Then the policy run (and base rerun) will begin with a simulation for the year 2000 (whose pre-simulation data is the 1999 data produced in the 1999 simulation for the base case).

You can force the Policy run to begin at the first year of the base by including on the Closure/Shock page a shock file (perhaps called NULL.PSH) which contains a zero size ASHOCK statement.

URL of this topic: www.copsmodels.com/webhelp/rundynam/hc_whenpolstarts.htm

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