Check Job Prerequisites Option

If this item in the Run Preferences menu is checked, RunDynam will not check prerequisites before starting a job. However, RunDynam will still check that essential files exist.

We recommend that you try running RunDynam with this option turned on (which it is by default). Only turn it off if you believe that RunDynam is consistently giving you false information when it does this check. [We hope that doesnt happen.]

If you find that RunDynam says that some prerequisite file is not as it should be, but you know that the file is in fact ok, you have a couple of options.

You could turn this option on to avoid the erroneous messages.

You could let the developers know, describing the circumstances in sufficient detail that they can identify the problem and fix it.

You could to both of the above.

Suppose that you leave this option selected (as it will be unless you turn it off). Then this interacts with the Fewer Messages and Questions option under the Options menu.

If you have not selected option Fewer Messages and Questions, after you start a job RunDynam will ask if you want to check that the prerequisites are ok.

If you have selected option Fewer Messages and Questions, after you start a job, RunDynam will begin checking prerequisites (since asking if you want this done is one of the questions suppressed by option Fewer Messages and Questions). If RunDynam believes that a prerequisite is not ok, it will tell you.

Of course, if you turn option Check Job Prerequisites off, RunDynam will never check these prerequisites (unless you subsequently turn the option back on).

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