Running in Batch Mode You can run RunDynam in batch mode. This allows you to set up several jobs which will run in sequence. These can be for different applications or different sets of Policy shocks etc. For example, you may want to run several parts of several applications overnight, after you leave your office for the day. To do this •you prepare a DOS .BAT file with the commands for RunDynam to carry out the parts of the applications you wish to run. •you start the .BAT file running by typing in its name in a DOS box (or from the Run item on the Start menu). RunDynam must NOT be running when you start the .BAT job. When you start a batch job, you must be sure that the applications are in an appropriate state for carrying out the parts you have indicated in your BAT file. RunDynam does not check prerequisites etc when running in batch mode. However RunDynam still checks that essential files exist. If not, the run will not start, and you will see details about the missing file(s) in the Batch Jobs Log File. After the jobs have finished, you can check whether or not there were any errors by looking at the Batch Jobs Log File. You do this via the item View Batch Jobs Log File in the Run Preferences menu. You can tell RunDynam to start the Batch Jobs Log File again (that is, delete the current contents and start with an empty file) via the item Restart Batch Jobs Log File in the Run Preferences menu. URL of this topic: Link to full GEMPACK Manual Link to GEMPACK homepage |