Normal and Alternative Solution Methods

The normal solution method is shown on the Sim Overview page. Normally the solution method shown on the Sim Overview page is used for all simulations.

In some applications, there may be large shocks in a number of years and smaller shocks in the remaining years. In such an application, you may want to take many steps to get an accurate solution when there are large shocks and fewer steps when the shocks are smaller.

That is why RunDynam allows you to specify an alternative solution method to be used for some of the years. When you specify an alternative solution method and specify the years to use it for, the normal solution method (as shown on the Sim Overview page) is used for all other years.

To specify the alternative solution method and to specify certain years to use it for, right-click on one of the years shown in the first column on the Closure/Shocks page. You will see a menu which allows you to change various things relating to solution methods. In particular, this menu allows you to

specify what the alternative solution method is.

indicate that either the normal or the alternative method should be used for a particular year.

Years for which the alternative solution method is to be used are indicated by a start * after the year. The normal solution method (as shown on the Sim Overview page) is used for all years not marked with *. The alternative solution method is used for all years marked with *.

Note that the same solution method (either the normal one or the alternative one) is used for each simulation (Base, Rerun or Policy) in any year.

Note also that there are only ever two solution methods current, the normal and (one) alternative. If you change the alternative method, that new alternative applies to all years marked with *.

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