Toggle Position (First or Last)

The main difference between putting the toggle first or last is the effect this has on the way ViewHAR displays the results. When the toggle is first, the elements of the toggle set are always shown separately in ViewHAR. But, if there are two or more non-toggle sets, if the toggle set is put last, ViewHAR usually opens showing the SUM across the values in the toggle set. This may be less convenient than putting the toggle set first.

To see the difference in ViewHAR, perhaps experiment with the example below (or a similar one in your favourite model).

To see the effect of putting the toggle set first or last, consider the formula in ORANIG for calculating the value of household purchases of commodity c from source s (domestic or imported) valued at purchasers’ prices. This formula is

(All,c,COM)(All,s,SRC) V3PUR(c,s) =

V3BAS(c,s) + V3TAX(c,s) + SUM(m,MAR, V3MAR(c,s,m) ) ;

If you decompose the RHS of this formula with the toggle set first, the statements used (and shown in the memo on the AnalyseGE form) are:

XSet IntDec1 (V3BAS, V3TAX, V3MAR) ;

Coefficient (All,xxi1,IntDec1)(All,c,COM)(All,s,SRC) TempCoeff(xxi1,c,s) ;

Formula (All,c,COM)(All,s,SRC) TempCoeff("V3BAS",c,s) = V3BAS(c,s) ;

Formula (All,c,COM)(All,s,SRC) TempCoeff("V3TAX",c,s) = V3TAX(c,s) ;

Formula (All,c,COM)(All,s,SRC) TempCoeff("V3MAR",c,s) =

sum{m,MAR,V3MAR(c,s,m)} ;

Write ;

In this case, when ViewHAR first shows the results of TempCoeff, the drop down menus in the top right-hand corner of the ViewHAR screen will usually be in the position

All IntDec1 All COM Sum SRC

If the toggle set were last, the arguments of TempCoeff would be in the order c,s,xxi1. [You can easily see how the above formulas would be changed.] The main effect of the different toggle position will be that when ViewHAR first shows the results of TempCoeff(COM,SRC,IntDec1), the drop down menus in the top right-hand corner of the ViewHAR screen will be in the position

All COM All SRC Sum IntDec1

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