AnalyseGE Often Completes Expressions Selected in TABmate

AnalyseGE tries to help you make a valid selection in the following ways.

If you click inside or just to the left of a variable or coefficient name (or even within its arguments), AnalyseGE proceeds as if you had selected the whole name plus the arguments. For example, if you click just to the left of "DVHOUS" or if you click anywhere within "DVHOUS(i)" or if you select any part of "DVHOUS(i)".

If you click anywhere within "SUM(<index>,<set>," AnalyseGE will evaluate either the whole SUM or else the whole term being summed. Specifically if you click anywhere within "SUM(" the whole SUM will be evaluated, otherwise the whole term being summed will be evaluated. In the example above, if you click left of the "S" in "SUM" or click left of the "U", "M" or "(" the expression "(All,i,SECT) SUM(j,SECT, DVCOMIN(i,j))" will be evaluated. If you click just to the left of any of the letters in "j,SECT," the expression "(All,i,SECT)(All,j,SECT) DVCOMIN(i,j)" will be evaluated. Note that this only applies if you just click (or else select just one character); it may not happen if you select 2 or more characters. The same applies if you click anywhere within "PROD(<index>,<set>", "MAXS(<index>,<set>" and "MINS(<index>,<set>".

If you click on or select an expression which lies within a SUM, the SUM will be turned into an "All" qualifier when the expression is evaluated. For example, consider the formula



COEF1(c) = SUM(i,INV, COEF2(i,j) + COEF3(i)) ;


If you select "COEF2(i,j) + COEF3(i)" the expression "(All,c,COM)(All,i,IND) COEF2(i,j)+COEF3(i)" will be evaluated. The same applies if you click or select within a PROD, MAXS or MINS.

If you click anywhere within "IF" AnalyseGE will evaluate the whole IF(…) expression.

If you click on the name of a function (or anywhere within its name), AnalyseGE will evaluate the value of the function. That is, AnalyseGE will extend the expression evaluated to the end of the function (including its arguments). This also applies to the function $POS.

If you click inside a set mapping, AnalyseGE will ask you if you wish to see the expression involving the coefficient this occurs inside, or if you wish to see the value of the relevant set mapping expression. Alternatively, if you start a selection inside a set mapping and end the selection with its closing bracket, AnalyseGE may show you the value of the set mapping expression. Details are elsewhere.

In rare circumstances, AnalyseGE may produce an invalid expression when it extends the selection in these ways. If this happens,

1. you can see the extended expression by looking in the memo on the AnalyseGE form, and

2. you can work around this problem by selecting exactly the expression you want to evaluate.

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