If Required Value is Not Available - Value Shown is 10000000000.0

Occasionally you may see the rather unusual value 10000000000.0 (or something close to it) shown.

This is the value that AnalyseGE shows when the required value is not available on the Solution file.

This can only happen if the set of cumulatively-retained endogenous variables (as specified on the Command file when the simulation was run) is not the full set of endogenous variables.

Example. Suppose that you add the following statement to the usual SJLB.CMF Command file (10% increase in labor supply for the Stylized Johansen model in SJ.TAB).

cumulatively-retained endogenous p_Y p_PC("s2") p_XCOM ;

Then if you evaluate p_PC you will see 10000000000.0 as the value shown for p_PC("s1") since the actual value is not available on the Solution file.

If you click on the declaration of levels variable PC and ask to "Evaluate Linear and Levels results", you will see 10000000000.0 shown for "s1" at toggles Linear, PostLev and Changes for the same reason.

See  the GEMPACK manual for more details about the set of cumulatively-retained endogenous variables.

URL of this topic: www.copsmodels.com/webhelp/analysege/hc_rvna.htm

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