
All results go into a Header Array file.

Each time you evaluate an expression, two headers are added to the file. The first has header Exxx and contains the expression being evaluated as an array of character strings. The second has header Rxxx and contains the numerical values of the expression.

After each formula is evaluated, ViewHAR is brought to the front open at the values of the latest Rxxx header. [By default the ViewHAR used by AnalyseGE does not sort headers alphabetically so that then the headers will go in order E001,R001,E002,R002 and so on. We recommend that you leave it this way.]

When you exit from this program, you are asked if you wish to save the results from this run of the program.

Values of integer coefficients are displayed as if they were real numbers. [For example, if the value of an integer coefficient is 3, it will be shown in the ViewHAR form as 3.000000.]

If you evaluate an expression inside a condition, a special value is shown when the condition is false.

You can evaluate logical expressions such as

(all,c,COM) COEF1(c) = 2 ;

The value +1.0 is shown in the ViewHAR window if the expression is true,

while the value -1.0 is shown if the expression is false.

Note that you will evaluate a logical expression if you select the condition part of a SUM or an IF and click on Evaluate.

The results you calculate may be either pre-simulation or post-simulation values. If you have calculated post-simulation values, the long name on the Results header Rxxx (see above) begins with [Postsim] as a reminder.

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