Directory for Program Information

The Keep Directory is a directory AnalyseGE uses to keep information between when you exit AnalyseGE and when you start it again. The files in this directory are used to restore AnalyseGE to the state it was in when you last exited. For example, AnalyseGE’s Ini file, ANALYSGE.INI, is stored in the Keep Directory.

The default directory depends on the "user" folder (for XP, C:\%userprofile%\My Documents ). AnalyseGE looks in (or creates if not there) a folder GPKEEP which is a subdirectory of the "user" folder and then looks in the ANGE subdirectory of the GPKEEP folder. If your "user" folder is C:\My Documents, then the INI file would be stored in the bottom level folder and so might be called C:\My Documents\GPKEEP\ANGE\ANALYSGE.INI.

If you are having problems using the usual Keep directory on your PC and the program cannot find a suitable Keep directory to store the INI file, you can set an extra Environment variable called GPKEEP.

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