Distinguishing Exogenous and Endogenous Variable in TABmate

By default, exogenous, shocked and endogenous variables are coloured differently on the TABmate form. The colours are as follows. Note that, as in ViewSOL, red is used to indicate exogenous variables.

Bold Red is used to indicate exogenous variables at least one component of which is shocked.

Italic Red is used to indicate exogenous variables which are not shocked.

Bold Purple is used to indicate variables which have some components exogenous and others endogenous.

Green is used to indicate endogenous variables whose results are available to AnalyseGE. These are all endogenous variables in the condensed system and any variables backsolved for.

Italic Grey is used to indicate variables which have been substituted out of the model. The values of these variables are not available in AnalyseGE.

This colouring can be turned off using the Options menu on the AnalyseGE form.

The colours can be changed using the Edit | Properties menu on the TABmate form. Default values can be restored via Edit | Restore Default Properties on the TABmate form.

URL of this topic: www.copsmodels.com/webhelp/analysege/hc_exogendogcolouring.htm

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