Calling AnalyseGE from the Command Line

You can ask AnalyseGE to load files from the Command line. This will be easier if AnalyseGE is on your DOS or Windows PATH.

Note that the program AnalyseGE is usually the file ANALYSGE.EXE (no "e" after the "y").

1. The command

analysge <solution-file-name>

[for example, "analysge c:\temp\xx.sl4"] will load the specified Solution file and the associated SLC file (the one with the same name as the Solution file except that its suffix is .SLC). This is the normal use of AnalyseGE.

2. The command

analysge <Solution-file-name> <SLC-file-name> <SOL-file-name>

can be used to

load the values for the linear Variables from Header Array file SOL-file-name. [This must be a Header Array file produced by running SLTOHT to convert a Solution file to a Header Array file, usually called a SOL file. Or it can be a Header Array file with long names as produced by running SLTOHT in that way - for example, the .RSL files produced by RunDynam to load cumulative differences into AnalyseGE.]

load the values for the Coefficients taken from SLC-file-name.

load the closure on Solution-file-name.

Here, if <SLC-file-name> and <SOL-file-name> are short file names, any directory information in <Solution-file-name> is added to them.

For example,

analysge c:\temp\xx.sl4 yy.slc zz.sol

loads c:\temp\xx.sl4, c:\temp\yy.slc and c:\temp\zz.sol.

Note that the Solution file and SLC file can have different names (and different creation times) in this usage.

This form of the command is used by RunDynam to load cumulative differences or cumulative results over several consecutive years into AnalyseGE using the AnalyseGE button in the "Results for All/Several Years" part of the Results page.

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