For most CoPS CGE Courses, participants need to bring their own laptop computer. Most Windows laptops will be adequate. Special requirements are:
Hardware - required
Intel Core I5 or I7 processor.
At least 4GB of RAM.
At least 4 GB free hard disk space on drive C:
A separate mouse (even if there is a touchpad or other pointing device).
Charger with plug adapter for the local standard power socket (see below).
There needs to be a way to copy files to the PC, eg a USB socket, or working WiFi. At the beginning of most courses we distribute USB keys
containing files that will be needed during the course.
Hardware - recommended
Minimum 13" screen, 14" or higher is recommended. During the course much time is spent examining large tables of numbers. This is harder if
your screen is small.
Software - required
Windows 7 or later version of Windows. [Occasionally, course participants have used a Mac laptop running Windows
or a Windows emulator. In this case the participant must install and test the GEMPACK software before attending the course -- we cannot assist
with this task.]
"Administrator" access will be needed during the install process (this might be an issue if your laptop belongs to, or was configured by, your
organization's IT section).
Microsoft Office: Excel (or other spreadsheet) and Powerpoint will be needed in the course.
The laptop must be able to "open a DOS box" [Start...Run..."cmd"]. Occasionally system administrators configure PCs to prevent this.
Usually you must install needed software before travelling to the course. More details here.
Be aware that GEMPACK is most heavily tested on PCs using Australian or USA versions of Windows. Occasionally problems arise with Asian versions
of Windows. Some anti-virus programs may cause problems. Installing software before the course is a good way to test if
your laptop is compatible with GEMPACK.
Australian/New Zealand electrical plugs/sockets
Australian plugs have two or three flat pins, as shown below:
Supply is 240 volts, 50Hz. Similar plugs are used in New Zealand and mainland China.
European electrical plugs/sockets
European plugs often have two round pins, as shown below: