This is the disaggregated version of the Rational Expectations version of the Motor Vehicle Tariff application which is the main application of the MONASH Model in the MONASH Model Book.
Here we assume that you have already downloaded and solved the aggregated (33-commodity) version of this rational expectations application. The aggregated version is documented in the CoPS Working paper IP-81. The results reported in that paper were obtained with the aggregated data base for MONASH.
Note that a GEMPACK licence (at least an Introductory licence) is required to solve this disaggregated version.
This 115-commodity data supplied with this application is provided to complete the academic integrity of the MONASH Model Book, in particular to allow readers of the book to replicate and analyse the results reported there. This data must not be used for other purposes.
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Aggregated version of Rational Expectations Motor Vehicle Application
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