It is not necessary to uninstall Intel Visual Fortran when upgrading from version 10 to version 11, or when installing minor updates. However in
some circumstances it may be desirable to remove the installation and start again. We have found a couple of tricks that may be helpful when
uninstalling Intel Visual Fortran.
We assume that you are starting from a fairly standard situation such as might result from following our installation instructions. The advice
given here, if followed, will result in complete removal of all Intel Fortran components and will quite likely break all versions of Microsoft
Visual Studio (MSVS). Do not follow this advice if you use MSVS for other development work.
First perform a normal Windows uninstall. Open the Control Panel and use the "Add and remove programs" tool for Windows XP, or in later
Windows (eg, 7) switch to classic mode and open "Programs and Features". Remove all the Intel Visual Fortran components, including MSVSPPE if it
is listed. Exactly which components will be listed depends on which version, 10 or 11, of the Intel Fortran compiler you installed and also on
which operating system 32-bit or 64-bit you are using.
Download and install msicuu.exe
from Microsoft, the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility. Run "Windows Install Clean Up" from
the Programs menu, select and remove Microsoft Visual Studio Premier Partner Edition.
In Windows Explorer browse to the folder C:\Program files, or C:\Program Files (x86), for 32-bit or 64-bit Windows respectively. Find and
delete the folder "Microsoft Visual Studio 8".
Edit the system path and remove all entries that point to Intel Fortran "Bin" folders, making sure to leave semi-colons separating the
remaining entries. The method for editing the system path can be found in the installation instructions.