We are proud that several well-known dynamic CGE models are solved using GEMPACK and the RunDynam program which is an optional extra part of the
GEMPACK system. Some of these models are:
the GTEM dynamic model of world trade developed at the
Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics [ABARE].
the TAIGEM dynamic CGE model developed by a Taiwanese syndicate.
the MONASH model of Australia developed at Centre of Policy Studies.
the MMRF multi-regional model of Australia developed at Centre of Policy Studies.
the USAGE model developed jointly by Centre of Policy Studies and the US International Trade Commission.
All the above models are solved using GEMPACK and the RunDynam program. RunDynam has also been distributed under other names, such as RunGTEM and
RunGDyn. These are just versions of RunDynam, packaged with a particular model. RunDynam on its own does not include a particular CGE model or
database -- it is just a very useful aid to managing dynamic simulations.
The dynamic CGE models and data belong to the organizations which continually develop them. Those organizations have site (multi-user) GEMPACK and
RunDynam licences.
How could an outsider (not in one of those organizations) get access to a dynamic CGE model? There are several ways:
By far the most common method is to attend a Dynamic CGE training course. From time to time, these are offered by the Centre
of Policy Studies or by the GTAP Centre. Each course concentrates on a particular model. Participants are expected to already have CGE modelling
experience. Course fees include: a copy of the RunDynam program; and model-specific code and data files [often for a special "Course Version" of
the CGE model]. Most participants would work at organizations which already had both a GEMPACK licence and a licence to use the GTAP database.
A second method is to purchase RunDynam and GEMPACK (if necessary) from GEMPACK; and then, by separate negotiation, obtain
the CGE model, data and scenarios from the organization that developed them. These models are always evolving, so the negotation would specify
what version of the model was supplied -- and if any after-sale support was available. GEMPACK can advise you who to contact (and see below).
Finally you could purchase RunDynam and GEMPACK (if necessary) from GEMPACK; and then construct your own dynamic CGE model, data and scenarios
from scratch. Not a job for the beginner!