CMCHSH2.FOR Bug Fix (Release 8.0-001 and Release 8.0-002)

This bug occurs only in Release 8.0-001 (October 2003) and Release 8.0-002 (December 2003). It does not apply to the original Release 8.0 (October 2002) or to Relase 8.0-003 (January 2004) or later.

The Problem

TABLO-generated programs, GEMSIM and SAGEM can produce very large LOG files. This is because, after every "shock" statement is processed, the programs output large amounts of data which the developers were using to check that results were ok.

Unfortunately we (the developers) left these temporary lines of code in the versions of the file CMCHSH2.FOR we sent out with Release 8.0-001 (October 2003) and Release 8.0-002 (December 2003).

These extra lines of code do not change any of the results. They just add to the size of the LOG file.

We apologise for inconvenience caused by this bug.

We are grateful to Lars-Bo Jacobsen who pointed out the bug.

Bug Fix for Release 8.0-001 (October 2003) and Release 8.0-002 (December 2003) of Source-code GEMPACK

The following fix is recommended for those

(i) working on a Windows PC with

(ii) Release 8.0-001 (October 2003) or Release 8.0-002 (December 2003) of Source-Code GEMPACK.

If you have Release 8.0 (October 2002), or if you have Release 8.0-003 (January 2004) or later of GEMPACK, you do not need to download this fix.

To install this fix on a Windows PC, proceed as follows.

1. Download the file CMCHSH2.ZIP (30K) and put it into the INCLUDES subdirectory of the directory in which your GEMPACK is installed (usually, C:\GP\INCLUDES).

2. Go to a DOS box and change into this INCLUDES subdirectory.

3. Issue the following commands.
del cmchsh2.for
unzip32 -o cmchsh2
zip includes cmchsh2.for
cd ..\subs
replib cm
cd ..
mkmain sagem

This will make new versions of GEMSIM.EXE and SAGEM.EXE.

You need to rerun LTG (compile and link) on all relevant TABLO-generated programs after you install the fix.

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Release 8 bug fixes page