The fix here only applies to the latest version of the Lahey/Fujitsu LF95 compiler: LF Express, Release 7.1. and the Release 8.0 Source-Code CDs. It has been fixed in Release 8.0-005 (May 2004).
Do not apply this fix to the Source Code if you are using the Fujitsu/Lahey LF90 compiler or Release 7.0 or earlier.
When you are using the LF95 Fortran Compiler to compile and link your TABLO-generated program, the compile and link stage (or LTG.BAT) fails with an error saying it is unable to find the file "128.for".
1. Download the file LTG95FIX.ZIP (71K) and put it into the directory in which your GEMPACK is installed (usually, C:\GP).
2. unzip the file LTG95FIX.ZIP into your GEMPACK directory, overwriting the current file LTG.BAT (and other LTG*.BAT files).
If you have any problems applying or using this fix, please contact the suppliers of the code.
If you want to remove the .FOR files from your directory, copy the file LTGNOFOR.BAT onto the file LTG.BAT. For example, in a DOS box, change to your GEMPACK directory usually C:\GP, and issue the command: