CoPS/IMPACT Working Paper Number IP-77

Title: Absorption Capacity, Structural Similarity and Embodied Technology Spillovers in a 'Macro' Model: An Implementation Within the GTAP Framework

Authors: Gouranga Gopal Das and Alan A. Powell


In this paper, all technology transfers are embodied in trade flows within a three-region, one-traded-commodity version of the GTAP model. Exogenous Hicks-Neutral technical progress in one region can have uneven impacts on productivity elsewhere. Why? Destination regions' ability to harness new technology depends on their absorptive capacity and on the structural congruence of the source and destination. Together with trade volume, these two factors determine the recipient's spillover coefficient (which measures its success in capturing foreign technology). Armington competition between the outputs of the three economies and shifts in their terms of trade loom large in the general equilibrium adjustment.

JEL Classification: D58, F11, F41, O49.

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